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Climate and safety 

Regardless of you moving to a new rural location or coping with change in your current rural is changing at a more rapid rate that many have anticipated.  Changes in climate are increasing fire danger and decreasing water resources.  This section applies to all current and potential residents of rural locations.  These issues require thoughtful planning and sometimes quick decisions for the safety of you and your family.  


4:30 pm

  • Population density vs available or planned supportive services

  • Long term availability and cost of water

  • Backup systems for loss of utilities, water, and fuel

  • Availably and funding for police, sheriff and fire responders

  • Response time of first responders

  • Availability of ambulance and air ambulances and transport times to hospitals

  • Level of understaffed first responders and medical personnel

  • Management of wildlife - bear proofing garbage cans, wildlife danger to young children and pets, etc.

  • Emergency and evacuation routes

  • Mutual aid agreements between first responders

  • Smoke pollution

  • Environmental allergens

  • Firewise, Firesafe, and other community groups to support mitigate fire dangers in home/yard

  • Appropriate vehicles for roads

  • Special health concerns with emergency evacuations/support

  • Communication available by internet/cell/landlines in an emergency

  • Road/driveway maintenance

  • Septic tank maintenance

  • Local use of firearms', target practice

  • Water rights disputes between neighbors

  • Level of community lawlessness

  • Local political support for residents

  • Racial profiling

  • Gang activity

  • Illegal and legal drug activity

  • Change in agricultural land use and zoning

  • Availability of water delivery

  • County/city leash laws

  • Increased housing shortage

  • Uninsurable homes/property

  • Investment costs and availability of alternative power sources

  • Adequate planning of communities for roads/utilities/emergencies/etc.

  • Support for senior citizens (transportation, food, housing, etc.)

  • Community volunteer involvement to address important issues

  • WiFi connectivity and sensitivity to EMF

Climate & safety concerns

Cabin in Woods
Electricity Station
Plant Watering

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