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Location - general

Why move to a rural location?  Consider these issues that may effect your life beyond just the weather when researching a new location... 

Local government

Informational Product Listings
  • Population density

  • Infrastructure (counties have both incorporated (city services) and unincorporated areas.  Many small, rural communities may be unincorporated and without services (police, fire, ambulances) that are incorrectly assumed in other incorporated areas.

  • County functionality - entrenched Board of Supervisors, budget compliance, adequate services funded, transparency or special interest?

  • Current economic stability of area - property prices, service and other businesses, County government fully funded?


Local services

Dog in the Park
  • Parks

  • Public transport

  • Medical, dental, vision, hospital and specialty care - many rural hospitals are closing as individuals are increasingly using tele-medicine

  • Elder care and support

  • Schools - public, private, community colleges

  • Police, sheriff, fire, ambulance - many fire departments may be volunteer, many have mutual aid agreements between first responders, some areas require air ambulance

  • Contractors and service people - may be in short supply

  • Water stability - knowledge of water source, price, and resources are vital information for any relocation

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